Hamburger Production Line-How To Get Thousands Of Hamburger Patties Every Day?

May 31, 2018Admin
Hamburger Production Line

Imagine how many hamburgers will people eat all over the world every year? An old from America eat 30,000 hamburgers in 46 years, while whole America, people eat more than 13 billion hamburgers one year. Think about the large quantity, how big the hamburger industry. If you keep your customers of the fast food shop waiting, what happened? Before they lose their patience, you should come up ideas for speeding up for producing the hamburgers. And how?With VER hamburger production line, you could produce at most 2,100 hamburgers per hour. You will never worry about producing different shapes of hamburger patties with various shapes. With small space occupying, this hamburger production line could be suitable for food processors, packaging plant and catering centers, even the small size restaurants with narrow space. Now we have a look at why VER burger production line makes your hamburger tasty with lager production capacity.You Need Large Output If making patties for hamburgers by hand, it is very slow, maybe one day you could only make 100 patties. However, while you use one VER hamburger production line, one hour you could get 2,100 hamburgers. It is smart to choose one patty forming line to help your fast food business, it surely help you reach the maximum capacity you need, also machines will work for you last long.Great Time And Labor Saving
Hamburger production machine, hamburger patty former
Make one hamburger patty by hand may takes 10 minutes, however, when it comes to hamburger forming line, you could get one patty in only seconds. Making patties by hand is not only a time costing affair but also a labor occupying thing, while with only one operator you could fulfill the whole process for hamburger producing easily and fast. All saved time and money will let you could invest for other fast food equipment to expand your business.
 Think About Your TargetAre you looking for getting a larger line for patty forming with less investment instead of making hamburger patties by hand&simple tools? Here comes VER patty forming line, which every owner for a small food processor affordable. Never worry about the investment for large machines again, you will get a high production capacity for your fast food business with small investment and high ROI.You Are Aiming For Perfection
Do you want to make perfect hamburgers in same weight&similar shape as well as large capacity? How to make balance? The answer is VER hamburger forming line. With compact design and easy to clean features, this hamburger forming line could make adjustable thickness hamburgers from 8mm to 16mm with various shapes (round, triangle, square, oval) shapes by changing forming molds.
Choose the right hamburger production line for your food processing industry will make your business grow up every day. Trust VER could lead you the right direction for expanding your hamburgers production. Contact us today to learn more about how VER hamburger forming machine help you producing thousands of patties one day!


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